In this assignment, you will build a face recognition system. Many of the ideas presented here are from FaceNet. In lecture, we also talked about DeepFace.
Face recognition problems commonly fall into two categories:
FaceNet learns a neural network that encodes a face image into a vector of 128 numbers. By comparing two such vectors, you can then determine if two pictures are of the same person.
In this assignment, you will:
: Additional Hints added.verify
: Hints added.who_is_it
: corrected hints given in the comments.Let's load the required packages.
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Conv2D, ZeroPadding2D, Activation, Input, concatenate
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers.normalization import BatchNormalization
from keras.layers.pooling import MaxPooling2D, AveragePooling2D
from keras.layers.merge import Concatenate
from keras.layers.core import Lambda, Flatten, Dense
from keras.initializers import glorot_uniform
from keras.engine.topology import Layer
from keras import backend as K
import cv2
import os
import numpy as np
from numpy import genfromtxt
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
from fr_utils import *
from inception_blocks_v2 import *
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use: %reload_ext autoreload
In Face Verification, you're given two images and you have to determine if they are of the same person. The simplest way to do this is to compare the two images pixel-by-pixel. If the distance between the raw images are less than a chosen threshold, it may be the same person!
The FaceNet model takes a lot of data and a long time to train. So following common practice in applied deep learning, let's load weights that someone else has already trained. The network architecture follows the Inception model from Szegedy et al.. We have provided an inception network implementation. You can look in the file
to see how it is implemented (do so by going to "File->Open..." at the top of the Jupyter notebook. This opens the file directory that contains the '.py' file).
The key things you need to know are:
Run the cell below to create the model for face images.
FRmodel = faceRecoModel(input_shape=(3, 96, 96))
print("Total Params:", FRmodel.count_params())
Total Params: 3743280
Expected Output
By using a 128-neuron fully connected layer as its last layer, the model ensures that the output is an encoding vector of size 128. You then use the encodings to compare two face images as follows:
So, an encoding is a good one if:
The triplet loss function formalizes this, and tries to "push" the encodings of two images of the same person (Anchor and Positive) closer together, while "pulling" the encodings of two images of different persons (Anchor, Negative) further apart.
For an image $x$, we denote its encoding $f(x)$, where $f$ is the function computed by the neural network.
Training will use triplets of images $(A, P, N)$:
These triplets are picked from our training dataset. We will write $(A^{(i)}, P^{(i)}, N^{(i)})$ to denote the $i$-th training example.
You'd like to make sure that an image $A^{(i)}$ of an individual is closer to the Positive $P^{(i)}$ than to the Negative image $N^{(i)}$) by at least a margin $\alpha$:
$$\mid \mid f(A^{(i)}) - f(P^{(i)}) \mid \mid_2^2 + \alpha < \mid \mid f(A^{(i)}) - f(N^{(i)}) \mid \mid_2^2$$You would thus like to minimize the following "triplet cost":
$$\mathcal{J} = \sum^{m}_{i=1} \large[ \small \underbrace{\mid \mid f(A^{(i)}) - f(P^{(i)}) \mid \mid_2^2}_\text{(1)} - \underbrace{\mid \mid f(A^{(i)}) - f(N^{(i)}) \mid \mid_2^2}_\text{(2)} + \alpha \large ] \small_+ \tag{3}$$Here, we are using the notation "$[z]_+$" to denote $max(z,0)$.
Most implementations also rescale the encoding vectors to haven L2 norm equal to one (i.e., $\mid \mid f(img)\mid \mid_2$=1); you won't have to worry about that in this assignment.
Exercise: Implement the triplet loss as defined by formula (3). Here are the 4 steps:
, tf.square()
, tf.subtract()
, tf.add()
, tf.maximum()
, positive
and negative
encodings are of shape (m,128)
, where m is the number of training examples and 128 is the number of elements used to encode a single example.m
training examples and sum along the 128 values of each encoding.
tf.reduce_sum has an axis
parameter. This chooses along which axis the sums are applied. axis=-1
to sum across all axes, keep the default value axis=None
.# GRADED FUNCTION: triplet_loss
def triplet_loss(y_true, y_pred, alpha = 0.2):
Implementation of the triplet loss as defined by formula (3)
y_true -- true labels, required when you define a loss in Keras, you don't need it in this function.
y_pred -- python list containing three objects:
anchor -- the encodings for the anchor images, of shape (None, 128)
positive -- the encodings for the positive images, of shape (None, 128)
negative -- the encodings for the negative images, of shape (None, 128)
loss -- real number, value of the loss
anchor, positive, negative = y_pred[0], y_pred[1], y_pred[2]
### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 4 lines)
# Step 1: Compute the (encoding) distance between the anchor and the positive
pos_dist = tf.reduce_sum((anchor-positive)**2, axis=-1)
# Step 2: Compute the (encoding) distance between the anchor and the negative
neg_dist = tf.reduce_sum((anchor-negative)**2, axis=-1)
# Step 3: subtract the two previous distances and add alpha.
basic_loss = pos_dist - neg_dist + alpha
# Step 4: Take the maximum of basic_loss and 0.0. Sum over the training examples.
loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.maximum(basic_loss, 0))
return loss
with tf.Session() as test:
y_true = (None, None, None)
y_pred = (tf.random_normal([3, 128], mean=6, stddev=0.1, seed = 1),
tf.random_normal([3, 128], mean=1, stddev=1, seed = 1),
tf.random_normal([3, 128], mean=3, stddev=4, seed = 1))
loss = triplet_loss(y_true, y_pred)
print("loss = " + str(loss.eval()))
loss = 528.143
Expected Output:
**loss** | 528.143 |
FaceNet is trained by minimizing the triplet loss. But since training requires a lot of data and a lot of computation, we won't train it from scratch here. Instead, we load a previously trained model. Load a model using the following cell; this might take a couple of minutes to run.
FRmodel.compile(optimizer = 'adam', loss = triplet_loss, metrics = ['accuracy'])
Here are some examples of distances between the encodings between three individuals:
Let's now use this model to perform face verification and face recognition!
You are building a system for an office building where the building manager would like to offer facial recognition to allow the employees to enter the building.
You'd like to build a Face verification system that gives access to the list of people who live or work there. To get admitted, each person has to swipe an ID card (identification card) to identify themselves at the entrance. The face recognition system then checks that they are who they claim to be.
Let's build a database containing one encoding vector for each person who is allowed to enter the office. To generate the encoding we use img_to_encoding(image_path, model)
, which runs the forward propagation of the model on the specified image.
Run the following code to build the database (represented as a python dictionary). This database maps each person's name to a 128-dimensional encoding of their face.
database = {}
database["danielle"] = img_to_encoding("images/danielle.png", FRmodel)
database["younes"] = img_to_encoding("images/younes.jpg", FRmodel)
database["tian"] = img_to_encoding("images/tian.jpg", FRmodel)
database["andrew"] = img_to_encoding("images/andrew.jpg", FRmodel)
database["kian"] = img_to_encoding("images/kian.jpg", FRmodel)
database["dan"] = img_to_encoding("images/dan.jpg", FRmodel)
database["sebastiano"] = img_to_encoding("images/sebastiano.jpg", FRmodel)
database["bertrand"] = img_to_encoding("images/bertrand.jpg", FRmodel)
database["kevin"] = img_to_encoding("images/kevin.jpg", FRmodel)
database["felix"] = img_to_encoding("images/felix.jpg", FRmodel)
database["benoit"] = img_to_encoding("images/benoit.jpg", FRmodel)
database["arnaud"] = img_to_encoding("images/arnaud.jpg", FRmodel)
Now, when someone shows up at your front door and swipes their ID card (thus giving you their name), you can look up their encoding in the database, and use it to check if the person standing at the front door matches the name on the ID.
Exercise: Implement the verify() function which checks if the front-door camera picture (image_path
) is actually the person called "identity". You will have to go through the following steps:
is a string that is also a key in the database
has two parameters: the image_path
and model
def verify(image_path, identity, database, model):
Function that verifies if the person on the "image_path" image is "identity".
image_path -- path to an image
identity -- string, name of the person you'd like to verify the identity. Has to be an employee who works in the office.
database -- python dictionary mapping names of allowed people's names (strings) to their encodings (vectors).
model -- your Inception model instance in Keras
dist -- distance between the image_path and the image of "identity" in the database.
door_open -- True, if the door should open. False otherwise.
# Step 1: Compute the encoding for the image. Use img_to_encoding() see example above. (≈ 1 line)
encoding = img_to_encoding(image_path, model)
# Step 2: Compute distance with identity's image (≈ 1 line)
dist = np.linalg.norm(encoding - database[identity])
# Step 3: Open the door if dist < 0.7, else don't open (≈ 3 lines)
if dist<0.7:
print("It's " + str(identity) + ", welcome in!")
door_open = True
print("It's not " + str(identity) + ", please go away")
door_open = False
return dist, door_open
Younes is trying to enter the office and the camera takes a picture of him ("images/camera_0.jpg"). Let's run your verification algorithm on this picture:
verify("images/camera_0.jpg", "younes", database, FRmodel)
It's younes, welcome in!
(0.65939289, True)
Expected Output:
**It's younes, welcome in!** | (0.65939283, True) |
Benoit, who does not work in the office, stole Kian's ID card and tried to enter the office. The camera took a picture of Benoit ("images/camera_2.jpg). Let's run the verification algorithm to check if benoit can enter.
verify("images/camera_2.jpg", "kian", database, FRmodel)
It's not kian, please go away
(0.86224014, False)
Expected Output:
**It's not kian, please go away** | (0.86224014, False) |
Your face verification system is mostly working well. But since Kian got his ID card stolen, when he came back to the office the next day and couldn't get in!
To solve this, you'd like to change your face verification system to a face recognition system. This way, no one has to carry an ID card anymore. An authorized person can just walk up to the building, and the door will unlock for them!
You'll implement a face recognition system that takes as input an image, and figures out if it is one of the authorized persons (and if so, who). Unlike the previous face verification system, we will no longer get a person's name as one of the inputs.
Exercise: Implement who_is_it()
. You will have to go through the following steps:
variable to a large enough number (100). It will help you keep track of what is the closest encoding to the input's encoding.for (name, db_enc) in database.items()
to dist
, and identity
to name
.# GRADED FUNCTION: who_is_it
def who_is_it(image_path, database, model):
Implements face recognition for the office by finding who is the person on the image_path image.
image_path -- path to an image
database -- database containing image encodings along with the name of the person on the image
model -- your Inception model instance in Keras
min_dist -- the minimum distance between image_path encoding and the encodings from the database
identity -- string, the name prediction for the person on image_path
## Step 1: Compute the target "encoding" for the image. Use img_to_encoding() see example above. ## (≈ 1 line)
encoding = img_to_encoding(image_path, model)
## Step 2: Find the closest encoding ##
# Initialize "min_dist" to a large value, say 100 (≈1 line)
min_dist = 100
# Loop over the database dictionary's names and encodings.
for (name, db_enc) in database.items():
# Compute L2 distance between the target "encoding" and the current db_enc from the database. (≈ 1 line)
dist = np.linalg.norm(encoding - db_enc)
# If this distance is less than the min_dist, then set min_dist to dist, and identity to name. (≈ 3 lines)
if dist<min_dist:
min_dist = dist
identity = name
if min_dist > 0.7:
print("Not in the database.")
print ("it's " + str(identity) + ", the distance is " + str(min_dist))
return min_dist, identity
Younes is at the front-door and the camera takes a picture of him ("images/camera_0.jpg"). Let's see if your who_it_is() algorithm identifies Younes.
who_is_it("images/camera_0.jpg", database, FRmodel)
it's younes, the distance is 0.659393
(0.65939289, 'younes')
Expected Output:
**it's younes, the distance is 0.659393** | (0.65939283, 'younes') |
You can change "camera_0.jpg
" (picture of younes) to "camera_1.jpg
" (picture of bertrand) and see the result.
Although we won't implement it here, here are some ways to further improve the algorithm:
Congrats on finishing this assignment!